River to Sea Gallery
Homeschool art and music day 19 - Iain Stewart MacMillan "Abbey Road"
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art and music day 19 #abbeyroad #beatles #gettymuseumchallenge #iainstewartmacmillan #tommynutter #dirtroadlife #crosswalk #stjohnswood #cityofwestminster #covidchallenge #bestquarantineever #countryliving #fortheaunts & #forunclebill #brunswickcountync
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- Tags: abbey road, beatles, covid 19, getty museum challenge, iain stewart macmillan, iain stewart macmillan st johns wood, tommy nutter
Homeschool art and camping class 18 - Angela Staff "Campfire Painting"
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art and camping class 18. #campfirepainting #angelastaff #gettymuseumchallenge #covid19 #smores #hazellovesmarshmallows
Grown ups during covid homeschool - #17 - Rene Magritte "The Lovers 2" 1928
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Grown ups during covid homeschool 17 #thelovers2 #renemagritte #1928 #wearamask #covid #gettymuseumchallenge #coronavirus #quarantine #renemagrittemuseum #flattenthecurve #magritte #surreal #surrealism
Homeschool art and religion class - day 16 - Paolo Uccello "St. George and the Dragon" 1458
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art and religion class - day 16. #paolouccello #stgeorgeandthedragon #1458 #earlyrenaaissance #museejacquemartandré #parisfrance #hidinginthetent #dragons #unicorns
Homeschool art and history class - day # 15ish - Joe Rosenthal "Uncommon Valor" 1945
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art and history class - day # 15ish #marinecorpswarmemorial #aidanspick #covid19 #timswearingadogbowl #marines #ww2history #wwiihistory #mrwingett #cds #1945 #usflag #mountsuribachi #iwojima photographer #joerosenthal from the #associatedpress sculptor #felixdeweldon architect #horacepeaslee name #uncommonvalorwasacommonvirtue #usmarinecorps #arlingtonva