River to Sea Gallery
Homeschool art & marketing class day #14 - Peter Doig "Spear Fishing"
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & marketing class day #14 #gettymuseumchallenge #peterdoig #whitecanoe #scottish #sothebys #11.3million #figurativeart #highestpaidlivingartist #fridaythe13th #christiesartauction #spearfishing #scuba
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- Tags: figurative art, friday the 13th, getty museum challenge, highest paid living artist, peter doig, scottish, scuba, sothebys, spear fishing, white canoe
Homeschool art & music class - day # 13 - Norman Rockwell, "Boy Practicing Trumpet" 1950
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & music class - day # 13 ... #normanrockwell #boypracticingtrumpet #trumpet #1950 #tommypaquin #grandmamoses #redheads #chocolatelabsofinstagram #gettymuseumchallenge #rockwell #saturdayeveningpost #americana #covidchallenge #covid19
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- Tags: americana, chocolate labs of instagram, covid challenge, covid19, getty museum challenge, grandma moses, normanrockwell, saturday evening post, tommy paquin, trumpet
Homeschool art and history class - day #12 - Clyfford Still "ph77" 1936
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art and history class - day #12 #covid19 #gettymuseumchallenge #clyffordstill #1936 #ph77 #greatdepression #expressionism #americanartists #sfartinstitute #guggenheim #eastergrass
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- Tags: american artists, clyfford still, covid19, easter grass, expressionism, getty museum challenge, great depression, guggenheim, ph77, sf art institute
Homeschool art & religion class day #11 - Marc Chagall "Solitude" 1933
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & religion class day #11 #gettymuseumchallenge #solitude #germany #1933 #marcchagall #ukelele #stretcharmstrong #goatsofinstagram #torahscroll #angels #naiveart
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- Tags: 1933, angels, germany, getty museum challenge, goats of instagram, marc chagall, naive art, solitude, stretch armstrong, torahscroll, ukelele
Homeschool art & hunting class - day #10 - Francis Wheatley, "Portrait of a Sportsman with His Son" 1779
Posted by Rebecca Bush on

Homeschool art & hunting class - day #10 #FrancisWheatley #portraitofasportsmanwithhisson #anddaughter #rabbitonesie #1779 #london #covid19 #gettymuseumchallenge #getty #rabbits #easter #finnsatree #chocolatelabsofinstagram #hesholdingtoiletpaper
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- Tags: 1779, and daughter, chocolate labs of instagram, covid 19, easter, finn's a tree, francis wheatley, getty, getty museum challenge, he's holding toilet paper, london, portrait of a sportsman with his son, rabbit onesie, rabbits